Games of the World Night (Montevideo, Uruguay)

Cultural Activities, Educational Activities
Voluntarios explicando el juego egipcio "Senet".
Voluntarios explicando el juego egipcio “Senet”.

First edition of the ‘Games of the World Night’ at the central branch of New Acropolis Uruguay in Montevideo.

In this contest, New Acropolis volunteers presented their research on games of different civilizations and cultures both ancient and modern, and of course participants could try them and have fun with them!

Jóvenes participando del "Trivial Filosófico" y la rueda de las Virtudes.
Jóvenes participando del “Trivial Filosófico” y la rueda de las Virtudes.







There were games like Egyptian Senet, the Nepalese Bagh Chal, the maori Mu Tōrere, the Senku, the Hnefatafl or Viking chess, and Othello among others. ‘Philosophical Trivia’ was also part of the fun, a traditional game of questions and answers but with a philosophical spin.

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