Urban garden workshop (Madrid, Spain)

Thanks to this workshop, we learnt how to make the most of the small outdoor or luminous spaces we have at home to grow our small vegetable garden, as well […]

H.P. Blavatsky: The Mysteries of Man (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Open lecture with a debate dedicated to the topic: Helena Blavatsky and The Mysteries of Man. In the first, Blavatsky’s unusual personality was presented, combining aristocratic and rebellious traits, some […]

Spring journey and workshop (Israel)

“Nature is a book of all wisdom and our greatest teacher. The way to read this book is not to go to the library, but to approach it and go […]

Magic Egypt (Bratislava, Slovakia)

The great interest about the lecture Magic Egypt prepared by the New Akcropolis Slovakia shows that the ancient culture from the Nile River is interesting not only for its world-famous […]