Category: World Philosophy Day
Navigating towards unity: philosophy, wisdom and humanism in a world in disarray (Brussels, Belgium)
In a context where divisions seem to be growing, a conference organized by Nouvelle Acropole Belgique brought together a large, committed audience eager to find answers to the challenges of […]
World Philosophy Day – Public lecture: The philosophical landscape of the Enlightenment (Timișoara, Romania)
Each year, New Acropolis Timișoara organizes different events to celebrate The World Philosophy Day. This year we chose The Enlightenment Age as the main theme, for its effervescent spirit by […]
Long Night of Philosophy (Villach, Austria)
The participants gathered at the tea house in Villach for a special evening where tea and philosophy formed a harmonious union. With exquisite teas from China, Japan, and India, we […]
World Philosophy Day 2024 (Taipei, Taiwan)
This year we celebrated World Philosophy day with a Philosophical Dialogue on the topic of “How can we be happy in 2024 inspired by ancient wisdom”. We practiced Unity through […]
“Through Diversity to Unity” – the Night of Philosophy (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
It all started with living Plato’s myth of the cave. Together we reflected on what “shadows” are, why it is difficult for us to allow a different point of view, […]
Lecture on dragon symbolism captivated its audience (Brussels, Belgium)
Lecture on dragon symbolism captivated its audience (Brussels, Belgium)The lecture “Through the Dragon: Philosophical Explorations of the Trials of the Human Psyche”, given by Sara Bielakoff at Nouvelle Acropole Bruxelles, […]
World Philosophy Day 2024 (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
New Acropolis in Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrated World Philosophy Day with a special program exploring the theme of “Unity Through Diversity”. Street Activity was organized with the philosophical game “Your […]
World Philosophy Day at New Acropolis Sibiu (Sibiu, Romania)
The New Acropolis of Sibiu organized a round table at the Astra Sibiu County Library with the theme: What unites us and what separates us? How to create authentic connections […]
World Philosophy Day lecture: How can we develop a moral compass according to Kant’s ethics (Timișoara, Romania)
Each year, New Acropolis Timișoara organizes different events to celebrate The World Philosophy Day. This year we chose The Enlightenment Age as the main theme, for its effervescent spirit by […]
Philosophy Day. A conversation about the importance of preserving national traditions (Petrozavodsk, Russia-North)
“Why is it important to preserve and maintain national traditions in the 21st century?” We dedicated the conversation on this topic to the World Philosophy Day, and invited Irina Krutikova, […]