Author: France
Jamblichus and the Mysteries of Egypt (Montpellier, France)
Thierry Adda, President of New Acropolis France, gave a lecture entitled ‘Jamblichus and the mysteries of Egypt’ at our school in Montpellier in June. Jamblichus was a Neoplatonist of the […]
Olympism, an art of life? (La Cour Pétral, France)
After the passing of the Olympic flame, Léonardo Pelagotti gave a lecture on the theme ‘Olympism, an art of life?’ at the Motel Saint Martin de Verneuil d’Avre et d’Iton. […]
European Heritage Days at the Cour Pétral (La Cour Pétral, France)
On the penultimate weekend in September, the Old Abbey welcomed a large number of first-time visitors to the Cour Pétral. Almost three hundred people came for the first time. Other […]
Night walk to meet the homeless (Paris 11, France)
A tour organised by the New Acropolis Paris association to meet homeless men and women. Smiles and questions were shared during the itineraries and encounters. We set out to explore […]
With Reza Moghaddassi, we die to our illusions (Biarritz, France).
Why is that? Because each and every one of us, in the wanderings of our imperfect and tragic existence, experienced the One for an instant. This very experience legitimises the […]
Lecture: Notre-Dame de Paris, the wonders of the sacred (La Cour Pétral, France)
An evening in tribute to the renaissance of Notre-Dame de Paris at the Cour Pétral A conference entitled ‘Notre-Dame de Paris, the wonders of the sacred’ was held at the […]
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and the Mystery of Oneness (Paris, France)
Fernand Schwarz, anthropologist and philosopher, founder of New Acropolis in France, gave a lecture on Madame Blavatsky to many attendees at New Acropolis Paris 5. ‘Keep the union!’ : these […]
Magic in Ancient Egypt (Paris, France)
New Acropolis hosted Fernando Schwarz – Egyptologist and philosopher, founder of New Acropolis in France and author of the book ‘Egypt: the magic of the heart’ – for a lecture […]
Lez’Arts Evening (Bordeaux, France)
Lez’Arts evenings are held once a month and offer a variety of artistic performances (singing, improvisation theatre, slam, etc.). Thank you to those who dared to put rhythm to their […]
Arts and Crafts Week at the Cour Petral (France)
At the former Cour Petral Abbey, for the second year running, from 1 to 7 August 2024, around sixty volunteers came together to work in the trades of stone-cutting, mosaics, […]