Philosophy Day (Slovenia)

Every year we remember the philosophical heritage on Unesco’s World Philosophy Day. To honor it, New Acropolis in Slovenia organized two events, that happened on November 21st.  In Ljubljana, a […]

Rhetorics Course (Maribor, Slovenia)

This year we conducted Rhetoric Course, which was eagerly anticipated. The synergy in the group was exceptional. In a few hours, we got the opportunity to recognize what inhibits us […]

Happy physics – science fair (Slovenia)

Summer in Maribor would not be as joyous without annual festival Lent. And it is always a special opportunity for our school to take part in it, as the city […]

Doors Open Evening (Maribor, Slovenia)

On the first day of autumn, we opened our doors for visitors to come and share with us a short part of the story, that takes place in our school […]

Acropolitans from Serbia visited Slovenia (Slovenia)

The Acropolitan friends from Serbia visited the Acropolitans in Slovenia. Together we toured the Roman necropolis in Šempeter and continued the day at the New Acropolis headquarters in Ljubljana, where […]

“Let’s revive Maribor” (Slovenia)

On March 23rd members of New Acropolis Maribor hosted a tour through the streets of the old town. On a stroll along the border, where the medieval settlement of Maribor once […]

View from above (Maribor, Slovenia)

Keepeng up with a tight schedule while completing daily tasks is often accopanied by an imminent feeling of running short of time. Instead of toiling away in pursuit of the […]

Workshops on World Philosophy Day (Slovenia)

Each year on the World Philosophy day, we remember how important it is to pursue wisdom in order to live better.   On this year’s occasion, members of New Acropolis […]

Helping people in flooded areas (Slovenia)

This year’s August in Slovenia was marked by heavy rain. The accumulation of large amount of water eventualy led to river basins being flooded in most of the country. We […]