1º Congreso de Voluntariado en Ayuda Humanitaria

1st Volunteering Congress on Humanitarian Aid (Chile)

On December 5th, International Volunteer Day, officially promoted by the United Nations (UN) since 1985, according to resolution 40/212 decreed by the General Assembly; New Acropolis Chile adhered to this […]

Earth Day Celebration (Chile)

New Acropolis Chile joined the international celebrations in commemoration of Earth Day, dedicating a day of activities at the national level through an online platform. The program allowed participants to […]

Volunteering Training Day (Santiago, Chile)

New Acropolis Chile is fully involved in the national networks of humanitarian aid, and in this context offers on-going trainings in various specialties. A recent training focused on the putting together of individual […]

New Acropolis celebrates 51 years in Chile!

New Acropolis Chile celebrated their 51 years of institutional presence in the country. Lectures, volunteering activities, and various cultural activities served as a framework for the commemoration of this anniversary […]