Cleaning up a park (Kallithea – Attica Greece)

For the second month, in coordination with the Greenery Officials of the Municipality of Kallithea, members of Kallithea branch went to a park for maintenance work, putting all our good […]

Educational trip to Peru (Greece)

Educational trip “Unity through Diversity”During the first ten days of April, we had the opportunity to embark on yet another cultural journey, this time in Peru! We visited museums and […]

Mother Earth Day 2024 (Attica – Crete, Greece)

  On the occasion of Mother Earth Day, members and volunteers from the International Organization New Acropolis organized activities with the motto “Unity through Diversity”,  proving that through green actions […]

Memory of Giordano Bruno (Patras, Greece)

In our Patras branch, we had an evening dedicated to the memory of Giordano Bruno, philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer. The theatrical group Athanor, housed in our space, gave a presentation […]