Notre-Dame de París (Cour Petral, France)

Cultural Activities

The theme of the lecture was “Notre-Dame de Paris, symbolism and companionship”, and brought together Fernand Schwarz, founder in France of the New Acropolis association (in Lyon 50 years ago, in 1973) and Philippe Giraud, president of the ‘Les Ateliers d’Héphaïstos’ artisan association.

Two different perspectives on the arts of Notre-Dame de Paris. The magnificent photos illustrating their observations highlighted the exceptional skills of the builders of the time in the fields of architecture, sculpture and stained glass, which during the Gothic period allowed the light to shine through the sublime stained glass windows. In addition, the craftsmen of the time forged bonds of solidarity and fraternity, essential for the creation of such a marvel.

El numeroso público quedó encantado, y algunos afirmaron haber descubierto muchas cosas esa noche. Otros afirmaron comprender mejor los problemas que plantea la reconstrucción actual.

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