Poetry recital in tribute to Florbela Espanca (Lisbon, Portugal)


New Acropolis organized a poetry recital in tribute to Florbela Espanca. This event was put on by the members of the poetry group Florbela Espanca, from New Acropolis Lisbon and those of the Argos Poetry Group, from New Acropolis Huelva (Spain).

The first group recited some of Florbela’s most representative poems and the second group shared poems admired by her by other authors, such as Rubén Darío and Juana de Ibarbourou.

A very positive collaboration between two poetry groups from different countries, united by admiration for a poet who was a forerunner of the feminist movement in Portugal and who had a tumultuous and restless life, transforming her intimate sufferings into poetry of the highest quality.


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