Volunteering in agriculture (Krayot and Pardes Hanna, Israel)


In Hebrew, the word for human being (adam) was born from the word earth (adama), an allusion to the connection between man and the land on which he lives.

As philosophers, connecting to the earth and its cycles is a means of getting to know our nature.

The state of emergency in which Israel finds itself affects all spheres of existence, and among other things has led to a large turnover of agricultural workers.
Many fields and orchards were left untreated, so we enlisted in several of our centers to help farmers in the area harvest olives and care for strawberry greenhouses, combining the connection to the land with philosophical practice.

One thought on “Volunteering in agriculture (Krayot and Pardes Hanna, Israel)

  • We are living in Pardes Hanna and would like to volunteer nearby. If you have opportunities, please let us know.
    Thank you

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