Humanitarian Aid in the Biggest Flood in Southern Brazil

Humanitarian Disaster Relief

Since the end of April, a large volume of rain has fallen in southern Brazil, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, reaching in just a few hours the volumes normally expected for a whole month. The high volumes of water massively increased the flows of rivers, causing dams to burst and landslides.
Already in the first days of May, Acropolitans in the city of Santa Cruz do Sul, close to the first affected cities, mobilised to collect donations and support actions to help those displaced by the floods and landslides of hills and slopes. In addition to acting directly on the relief front, we started a fundraising campaign to provide the necessary supplies to help the homeless.
The rains continued in May and last weekend caused several rivers and lakes to overflow in the region of the state capital, flooding several towns, as well as the main access roads to the capital and the main airport.
Faced with this situation, the fundraising campaign was expanded to support other regions of the state and Acropolitans began working in other affected cities: Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo and Porto Alegre.
Acropolitan volunteers have worked supporting governmental actions and various organisations, collecting materials and supplies, and coordinating groups of volunteers in the organisation of shelters. In the city of Porto Alegre there is a shelter for homeless people where we are taking care of the whole operation, from security and food to psychological and health support.
Complementing the actions is a group of volunteers specialised in civil protection from the neighbouring state of Santa Catarina, who travelled on 5 May to Rio Grande do Sul, bringing supplies, dinghies and motor boats (needed for rescuing people who were stranded in their homes) to support the rescue and humanitarian aid actions that are being carried out.

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