International Day of Art. Circle dances (Russia-North, Velikiy Novgorod)

Day of Arts

International Day of Art. Circle dances (Russia-North, Velikiy Novgorod)
For the first time this year, we conducted the International Day of Art with an evening of «Circle Dances of Nations» in one of the parks in our city.
The participants danced Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, and other dances. They made a point that, through diversity, it is possible to see the Unity of Culture and the Unity of Life.
Dance is like a small life. It has the same things as life: rhythm, movements, pauses, greetings, farewell, knowing yourself and cooperation with others, love, happiness, overcoming, victories, and many others.
Dance is one of the languages that humans use from generation to generation to convey an understanding of the world and its laws. Every culture tells us about something unique, but at the same time, the language of dance is universal and understandable to every person.
Thanks to dance, we could get to know ourselves better and feel the unity of each other.


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