World Art Day (Israel)

Day of Arts

“There is something in art that transcends all our barriers, all the definitions we have established, and all the definitions we are preoccupied with. When art is good and meaningful, its power lies in directly touching our hearts and creating a resonance. Art has the potential to transform our inner state from darkness to light, and if it can achieve this within us, it can radiate out into the world as well.” – Almog Modai

We celebrated our annual art event, Open Art, for the first time. This year, we chose to center it around the theme of “unity out of diversity.”

In today’s world, it is not always easy to present works with such profound messages. This theme underscores not only accepting our differences but also harnessing them to foster unity.

The performanceses, the creation of the mural, and the overall organization of the event were all rooted in this principle. It was a coming together of kind-hearted individuals, united by their love for art and a shared purpose. This gathering was a testament to the belief that a better world is achievable if we prioritize what unites us over what divides us.

Just as art reminds us that to paint, we need the full spectrum of colors and for music, we require all the notes, society too thrives on human diversity. Each person adds their unique touch, creating a vibrant tapestry of humanity.

A heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers, artists, dancers, and dreamers who made this event possible.


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