European Heritage Days at the Cour Pétral (La Cour Pétral, France)
On the penultimate weekend in September, the Old Abbey welcomed a large number of first-time visitors to the Cour Pétral. Almost three hundred people came for the first time.
Other visitors, who had been there before, were able to see for themselves the progress of the projects inside the Cour Pétral. They were delighted to discover the new memory room, with its new mosaics and stained glass windows.
This year also saw the inauguration of the craftsmen and producers market, with a wide variety of artists: blacksmiths, carpenters, wooden toy makers, stone carvers, hemp workers, jewellers, potters, ceramists, glaziers, embroiderers, painters, watercolourists, honey producers, charcuteries and linseed oil producers. Everyone enjoyed themselves in such a pleasant, simple and welcoming environment.
Saturday evening ended with a rock concert. In the courtyard of Hefaistos, musicians and singers of great quality delighted the audience and encouraged them to dance.