Category: Ecological Volunteering
Tree planting (Zlin, Czech Republic)
Meeting of New Acropolis volunteers from the cities of Zlin and Brno to plant fruit trees in a small village near Zlin. They […]
Volunteers of New Acropolis at the facilities of the Association for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty (Haifa, Israel)
A group of volunteers visited the Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty in Haifa, to collaborate with the needs of the association which on this occasions asked volunteers to […]
One more year rescuing the chestnut trees (Sofía, Bulgaria)
For the fifth consecutive year, volunteers from New Acropolis Bulgaria gathered to help the chestnuts in their fight against a damaging moth which nests in their fallen leaves. This year […]
Caring for our coastal treasures: Restoring the mangroves of Mumbai (India)
NA Mumbai organized a series of activities to raise awareness and clean and restore the city’s mangroves. Sixty volunteers collected over a thousand kilos of garbage, in three different parts […]
New Acropolis receives a Certificate of Merit on International Volunteer Day (Sofía, Bulgaria)
On International Volunteer Day, New Acropolis Sofia received a Certificate of Merit from the Vitosha National Park for their participation in the “Adopt a Forest Area” initiative. Throughout the year 2017, […]
New Acropolis joins the Ocean Conservancy 2017 clean-up day (Montevideo, Uruguay)
New Acropolis recently participated in International Coastal Clean-up Day in Uruguay. Together with the Ministry of Housing, Land Management and Environment, New Acropolis volunteers participated in the ‘The Ocean Conservancy’ project, […]
Caring for our Coastal Treasures – Restoring Mumbai’s Mangroves (India)
New Acropolis India guided a series of activities towards sensitization, cleaning and restoration of Mumbai’s Mangroves. The activities involved over 60 volunteers with a collection of over a 1000 Kgs […]
Reforestation in the ‘El Huizache’ community (State of Guanajuato, León, Mexico)
As part of the events commemorating World Philosophy Day, New Acropolis León visited a high school in the community of ‘El Huizache’. The volunteering activities were divided into teams of reforestation, […]
Volunteers help bird population increase (Budapest, Hungary)
Inspection by nature conservationists and New Acropolis volunteers of the nest-crates for birds at the Duna-Ipoly National Park. Ten more units prepared by volunteers were added to those already installed […]
Volunteering Sunday with Project Ríos en Red (Sabadell, Spain)
A group of volunteers carried out an ecological clean-up and check-up of the Ripoll River on physical (flow, water speed, etc.), chemical (water purity) and biological (nearby flora and fauna) […]