Saturday of Citizenship in Florianopolis (Brazil)
Third Saturday of Citizenship
The third Day of services to the community, offered free of charge by around 150 volunteers, was held with the involvement of many different institutions. The event was organized by New Acropolis in Florianopolis, in association with:
- OAB Cidadã (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil)
- GEA Volunteering Group
- Escuela Básica Municipal Barista Pereira
- Santa Catarina Military Police
- State Traffic Police
- Centro de Valorização da vida (CVV)
- Compañía Catarinense de aguas y saneamiento (CASAN)
- Instituto Catarinense Mais Saúde
- Universidad do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI)
- Projeto Amor sobre Rodas
- Cámara municipal de Vereadores de Florianópolis
- Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC) and Maximus Academia.
From 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m., participants were able to receive the following services:
- Medical care: dentistry, chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage, blood pressure, psychological care and phono-audiology
- Legal advice in the areas of criminal, employment, civil and family law
- Water quality checks and advice
- Health presentation by the Instituto Catarinense
- Advice on personal finances
- Haircuts
- Classes in makeup and painting
- Climbing wall, distribution of balls and online games
- Road safety instruction by the State Traffic PoliceFirst aid training; fire prevention; civil protection and response to natural disasters