Workshop on Stress Management Techniques at the Cayetano Heredia Hospital (Lima, Peru)

Educational Activities


During July and August, New Acropolis Peru conducted workshops on stress management techniques for about 1,000 members of staff of the Cayetano Heredia National Hospital.

Organized into 33 groups, the health and administrative staff of the hospital learnt to manage the different types of stress they constantly face in their important work as  public health workers. This workshop is focused on developing various techniques for restoring energy, controlling negative thoughts and emotions and transforming them into constructive attitudes that will improve not only working life, but also personal and family life.

The workshop is part of the Humanistic Education program conducted by New Acropolis in various organizations that are concerned about the welfare of their employees.

Eleana Leyva Medina, Head of the Training Unit of the Cayetano Heredia Hospital, highlighted the importance of hospital employees learning different relaxation techniques that can be applied in everyday life and will enable them to handle difficult situations that can arise in the hospital and require a quick and positive response.

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