“Tiziano Terzani: the traveler, the journey, the vision” (Bolonia, Italy)

Cultural Activities

This year, New Acropolis Italy dedicated World Book Day, proclaimed by UNESCO, to the famous writer and journalist Tiziano Terzani. Thus the Bologna branch, with the patronage of the City Council, organized a meeting entitled “Tiziano Terzani: The Traveler, the Journey, the Vision”

After a brief presentation of the Zen tale “The Way” about the importance of finding one’s own way through the small and big decisions of life, participants learned about the journey of Tiziano Terzani, a man on a quest. Thanks to the reading of his books and articles, and to the vision of his insightful interviews, attendees discovered his principles, his values and his always fresh and incisive message.

“If I had to say what I was in my life, I would answer ‘the traveler’. And if I had to have a tomb, I would like it to show my name, the two dates and then an inscription “traveler” and a a small hole in which there was water for the birds to come and drink. ”

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