Theatrical reading of Plato’s Dialogue “Cratylys” (Lviv, Ukraine)
During half a year volunteers of New Acropolis prepared theatrical reading of Plato’s Dialogue “Cratylys”. It is one of Plato’s most complex dialogues and it was important to make this dialogue understandable for a wide audience and at the same time preserve main ideas and the essence. During preparation it was often necessary to use dictionary of ancient Greek words. Finally, the scenario was written and rehearsals conducted.
The performance took place at the New Acropolis premises in Lviv. It was included into official program of International Publishers Forum 2019, that annually takes place in Lviv. Volunteers of the New Acropolis played the role of Socrates, Hermogenes and Cratylys. The dialogue touches the topic of origin of names and notions – how the existing things received their names.