A Philosophical Garage Sale (Chicago, USA)

Social Volunteering

For 1 day the New Acropolis school in Chicago turned into a special second-hand store and invited people to swap and to buy (for a low price) used clothes, furniture, games, jewelries, accessories, home decor and more.

Members and volunteers of the school donated the items in the weeks leading up to the event and were trying to raise awareness and promote the concept of repurposing instead of buying new things, that increase mass production, pollution, excessive consumerism and basically the overloading of unnecessary things in our living environment.

We reflected on the amount of things we accumulate and don’t actually use. We reflected on how we tend to look for happiness in material things, external things, instead of the simple inner experiences within our hearts.

At the end of the event the items that were left, were donated to a local charity.

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