Annotated reading and staging of the epic “Ramayana” (Brazil)

Cultural Activities

The event stood out as a celebration of learning, art and fellowship among the more than 70 participants.

The Ramayana, one of India’s oldest and most revered epics, served as the basis for a series of enriching teachings that engaged those present throughout the cultural journey.

The main attraction of the event was the opportunity for students from the New Acropolis of Palmas to delve into the reflections provided by the Ramayana. The work was discussed in detail, allowing an in-depth exploration of the values, ethics and philosophy contained in the narrative.
Staging: A memorable part of the event was the live enactment of excerpts from the Ramayana, which brought to life the characters and captivating plot of the epic. Participants were transported to the magical world of Rama, Sita, Hanuman and other characters.

The richness of Indian culture was also celebrated through traditional dance, poetry recitation and Indian-inspired artistic displays.

In addition to cultural and educational activities, the event also included a special moment of celebration. The participants exchanged ideas, further strengthening the bonds of philosophical friendship.

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