New Acropolis at the Brazilian Congress of Ombudsmen (Fortaleza-CE, Brazil)

Institutional Presence


New Acropolis professor Levy Bayde gave a lecture on the topic “Are we really empathetic?” during the XXV Brazilian Congress of Ombudsmen, held in Fortaleza, in the Auditorium “João Frederico Ferreira Gomes” of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Ceará.
The teacher recalled that Empathy is formed by the virtues of Tolerance, Respect and Attention, which allow for more human connections to be made and which can be a key to solving most of the problems that exist in society today, precisely because of the wide possibility of application.
“To be more empathetic, you need to purify your senses, be open to receive, integrate and connect with the other, heart to heart,” he explained. “It’s not about being a more empathetic listener, but an empathetic Human Being because the world needs it.”

The event brought together more than 300 ombudsmen from 22 states and the Federal District. Promoted by the Associação Brasileira de Ouvidores/Ombusman (ABO), it aimed to qualify the role of the ombudsman to act independently and efficiently.

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