Philosophy and Health, featured lecture topics at a Children’s Hospital (Brazil)

Social Volunteering

What is the relationship between virtues and mental health? This was the theme of the Philosophical and Literary Moment series promoted by the Children’s Hospital of Brasilia (HCB) in partnership with New Acropolis and the Serapis Institute in a hybrid format (in person at the Oscar Moren Auditorium and transmitted online through Zoom).

Professor Pedro de Paiva Barcellos of New Acropolis – Brasilia North Lake Centre, spoke about health in the exercise of knowing and mastering ourselves.
“Many diseases are related to fear. We can reduce fear, anguish and see the other not as an enemy. When we get sick, our will is in conflict. Health is to exist in a harmonious way”, he commented.
Speaking as a teacher of Philosophy for more than a decade and from his experience as a clinical psychologist, he mentioned what classical philosophers, such as Plato, and contemporary neuropsychiatrists, such as Viktor Emil Frankl, thought about the search for meaning of the human being to live in harmony.

The Philosophical and Literary Moment project promoted by the Children’s Hospital of Brasilia (HCB) in partnership with New Acropolis and the Serapis Institute proposes lectures and dialogues for health professionals and the community in general.

In the previous edition, in May, professor Luiz Fernando Vieira, New Acropolis instructor for more than 30 years and director of the Serapis Institute, gave a lecture on the theme Constitution of the Human Being.

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