Visit to several museums (Guatemala, Guatemala)

Educational Activities
We visited with members and friends of New Acropolis Guatemala, Quetzaltenango Centre, four museums in Guatemala City: Popol Vuh Museum at the Francisco Marroquin University dedicated to the Mayas: funerary urns, incense burners, musical instruments, jewelry, tools, etc. The Miraflores Museum located in what was the ancient Mayan city of Kamial Juyú. We traveled to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with the Railway Museum, with its history, special anecdotes about one of the drivers and we visited the presidential cars of the time. Finally, we went to the Carlos Mérida Museum of Modern Art to see works by the most renowned plastic artists of Guatemalan art: Carlos Mérida, Efraín Recinos, Margarita Azurdia, Dagoberto Vásquez, etc.
Culture broadens our understanding of life and the world and brings us closer to people through a spirit of respect, solidarity and understanding.

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