Beauties of Prague through the eyes of philosophers (Czech Republic)

Cultural Activities

Philosophers from New Acropolis Prague went on tour through the Czech capital from Vyšehrad to the island on the Vltava river called Slovanský ostrov. This was organised as a part of the celebrations of the World Art Day and The Year of Czech Music. The tour also included several sketches or meetings with personalities from Czech history. In park near Vyšehrad the eager philosophers met with three men that were active during the times of Czech national revival in the 18th and 19th century: poet and writer Václav Štulc (after whom the said park was later named after), historian František Palacký and politician František Ladislav Riegel.

Near the statue of Ctirad and Šárka, a couple from Czech legends, the visitors could hear the poetic retelling of said legend. Then all travelling philosophers went to the banks of the Vltava river where they listened to several compositions by Czech composers: Humoresques by Antonín Dvořák and excerpts from the opera The Bartered Bride by Bedřich Smetana. The tour was then finished by listening to the symphonic poem Vltava (also by Bedřich Smetana) while looking at the majestic river that inspired this musical masterpiece.

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