International Mother Earth Day (Ukraine)

Mother Earth Day

New Acropolis in Ukraine has joined celebration of International Mother Earth Day.

In Kharkiv New Acropolis members organized ecological activities in local botanical garden. In Zaporizhzhia volunteers worked on Khortytsia Island in cooperation with Khortytsia National Nature Reserve. The territory around Vyshensky Lake was cleaned from garbage in Vinnytsia.

Marina Bilets, candidate of biological sciences, gave a lecture “Geometry of nature” in Poltava.


In Lviv, the performance “Exit from the Darkness” was staged by New Acropolis amateur theatre and two ecological activities in the botanical garden were organized.

In Kyiv, the cleaning day was organized in the central botanical garden and volunteers form local NGO “I Mariupol” and private companies joined the activity.  Additionally open lecture “Earth. Symbolism and philosophy” was held.

Celebrating International Mother Earth Day reminded how important it is to protect nature and earth and small actions lead to big goals.


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