Philosophy Day. A conversation about the importance of preserving national traditions (Petrozavodsk, Russia-North)

World Philosophy Day

“Why is it important to preserve and maintain national traditions in the 21st century?”
We dedicated the conversation on this topic to the World Philosophy Day, and invited Irina Krutikova, an official of the Ministry of National and Regional Policy of the Republic of Karelia, to participate in it.

The question we’ve chosen as the topic is not an easy one. Different modern innovations make our life more comfortable, but at the same time more and more one-type. We wear the same clothes, live in similar houses, and use the same smartphones. Then, and it’s important to remember, at the Soviet time entire nations were resettled from their native places. So, the task “to revive and preserve national traditions, which are almost forgotten” sounds quite actual.

Irina told us about the work carried out by the House of Friendship of the Nations of Karelia, so that representatives of 113 nations (and that’s how many live in our republic) would learn about each other, organize joint holidays, round tables and forums, implement projects.

Why is this necessary? Each nation is like a unique thread in a whole canvas of life. If the tradition of at least one will be forgotten — the pattern on this canvas will no longer be so bright, intricate and colorful. Each nation makes an important contribution to the cultural and spiritual life of our region, country and the whole world.
When a person maintains the traditions of his nation and is able to respect other cultures, he becomes more confident, knowing his roots, feels responsibility for his native places. Such person better understands the complex beauty of world’s Culture.


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