Unity in diversity – Earth Days (Innsbruck, Austria)

Mother Earth Day

We started – a week earlier with the cleaning of the banks of the Inn – and on Friday with a rubbish collection campaign. Together with 15 volunteers from Afghanistan and with the support of the water rescue service, we were able to free our beautiful city from rubbish.

At our festival there was a variety of program items: a clothes swap market, a herbal workshop & lots of information, games, painting with natural colours and creative upcycling crafts for our little earth dwellers, an information stand for food without packaging and an extensive culinary offer.

Thanks to our partners “ZAKI – Afghan Children Foundation” which supports the education of children in Afghanistan, “Greenroot und Grünzeug” an association whose purpose is to promote an eco-social way of life and all the volunteers who made this, our Earth Day, possible.

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