Volunteer project „Public philosophical garden“ (Austria)

Mother Earth Day

Right next to the branch of New Acropolis in Klagenfurt, “Sophie’s Garden” is being created as a place of inspiration for the encounter between man and nature, as a recreational area for the citizens and as a habitat for birds, bees and butterflies. At the same day 50 schoolchildren came into direct contact with the plant world on one excursion guided by volunteers of New Acropolis.

On Earth Day 2024, the mayor and several members of the city senate planted the first tree. They praised the project as an important initiative for the „Garden city“ Klagenfurt, for the common good, for biodiversity and especially for the efforts of the many volunteers from New Acropolis.

“A garden where you can become a little wiser with nature as your teacher, encounter the magic of mother earth with mindfullness and also experience the principles of perman culture”.



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