XXIV New Acropolis 2024 Short Story Competition (Spain)
“The jury of the XXIV New Acropolis Short Story Competition in Madrid, meeting at 18:30 on Saturday 22 June, proceeds to the awards ceremony of the XXIV NEW ACROPOLIS STORY COMPETITION at the headquarters of this School of Philosophy (located in C/ Pizarro, 19, Ground Floor, 28004 Madrid).
- First of all, we must highlight the high level of participation in the competition, with a total of 650 texts submitted from as far away as Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Cuba, California, Texas, Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Greece and, of course, Spain. Selecting the prize-winners listed below has been an arduous task.
- The rules of the competition required a length of between 3 and 5 pages, and emphasised the need for the language not to be obscene or indecent, aggressive or violent, racist, intolerant or discriminatory, or of any other type that could offend the sensibilities of any social group. To this end, 155 stories were rejected.
- Expressly, both the literary quality and the depth of its philosophical and humanist content have been valued, avoiding political themes and extremist positions.