Jamblichus and the Mysteries of Egypt (Montpellier, France)
Thierry Adda, President of New Acropolis France, gave a lecture entitled ‘Jamblichus and the mysteries of Egypt’ at our school in Montpellier in June.
Jamblichus was a Neoplatonist of the 3rd century AD who was interested in Egyptian philosophy and wisdom. He wrote a work on the mysteries of Egypt.
Ancient civilisations, such as the Egyptians, saw themselves as receptacles of the Universe and, according to them, their own actions had an effect on it. They did not feel isolated, separate or distant from the world in which they lived. So their dream was to reproduce in their lives and in society the order and harmony they discerned in the Cosmos and in Nature.
We can draw inspiration from the Egyptians who, through mythology and ritual, connected with the principles of Nature and gave meaning to their lives.
Where are we going today, what dreams and values drive us as individuals, and as citizens, how can we deal with the challenges we face today? And as citizens, how can we meet the challenges of the 21st century?
These questions are increasingly urgent if we want the world to improve.