On trial with Socrates (Almeria, Spain)

Cultural Activities

‘On trial with Socrates’, philosophical evening on the occasion of the Active Philosophy Week. Micro-talk at the New Acropolis School of Philosophy in Almería. It was given by Tamara Berenguel, Cristóvao Severino and Juan López. The activity was rounded off by the varied contributions of the audience, which enriched the evening.

A juicio con Sócrates

The basis is Plato’s ‘Apology of Socrates’. Socrates defends himself. It is a defence of truth, for an authentic life. The Oracle of Delphi had said that the wisest man in Greece was Socrates. As the Oracle could not fail, Socrates comes to the conclusion that he is the only one aware of his own ignorance: ‘I only know that I know nothing’.

Socrates talks to people to deduce what they know inside themselves (maieutics, the art of giving birth). And nobody likes to be shown his own ignorance. Thus he makes many enemies. Cause of bad reputation. Fight against ignorance. Formal accusation is for corrupting the youth and for impiety, denying the gods of the city.

A juicio con Sócrates

How topical is the Apology of Socrates?

One example is advertising. It seems to be similar, which continually repeats a message in order to convince the population (intention). And what are the real needs? Freedom, on all levels, physical, emotional and mental.

Socrates is a hero, he preferred to die rather than renounce the truth. Philosophers, then, are to be called those who welcome each and every thing that is in itself, and not lovers of opinion.

A juicio con Sócrates

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