The spinal column. Workshop ‘Health with philosophy’ (Almeria, Spain)
‘The spinal column’, workshop Health with philosophy, to take care of your back. Educational activity at the New Acropolis Cultural Association in Almeria. It was led by family doctor Isabel Alzina and chiropractors Alexiane Monreal and Olivier Domme. Medicine is not only physical. And philosophy is not only mental. To be able to apply the ideas that we consider to be true unites philosophy and medicine. Paracelsus says that health has a mental cause.
The talk ended with valuable advice on postural hygiene and hypopressive, isometric (fixed postures) and anterior cruciate syndrome exercises. Advice was also given on increasing bone density. Vital foods for the preservation of bones and joints were recommended, such as collagen, magnesium (Mg), hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, chondroitin sulphate, etc. and a series of nutritional supplements. The importance of sport according to each person’s condition, for the immune system, to lower blood pressure or to improve mood and mental health was emphasised.