VII Jorge Ángel Livraga Intercollegiate Oratory Meeting: Dialogue towards Unity through Diversity (Quito, Ecuador)
Several schools in the city of Quito participated in the VII Jorge Ángel Livraga Inter-school Oratory Meeting. The dynamics on this occasion was the Philosophical Dialogue around two themes: ‘Human Values’ and ‘Towards Unity through Diversity’.
The 200 participating students, the 12 representatives accompanied by their teachers congratulated New Acropolis for the organisation and format of the event. We all came away nourished with ideas, teachings and inspired by the outcome.
Some reflections that the young people made are summarised in the following thoughts:
‘We are each a World to Build’, “Diversity Enriches Us”, “The Basis for Union is to Find Common Ground”, “To reach Unity we must cultivate Human Values”.