Volunteer Training Programme (Peru)


We shared an extraordinary day with about fifty volunteers who participated in our ‘Volunteer Training Programme 2024’. This meeting provided us with valuable philosophical tools to strengthen our humanitarian work and improve our experience as volunteers.

We started with a talk on ‘New Acropolis and volunteering’, followed by a dynamic of reflection where each volunteer shared what volunteering has taught them. We continued with the talk ‘Stoicism keys to face difficult times’, where we explored how to be more resilient and effective in our service. We ended with a reflection on what is in our control and what is not, leaving our answers on a flipchart that reminded us of the importance of focusing on what we can change.

It was a day of deep learning, connection and inner growth, reaffirming us in our mission to provide help with a generous heart and a firm mind.

Our heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers for their commitment and dedication.

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