World Philosophy Day at New Acropolis Sibiu (Sibiu, Romania)

World Philosophy Day

The New Acropolis of Sibiu organized a round table at the Astra Sibiu County Library with the theme: What unites us and what separates us? How to create authentic connections in the modern world? The event was dedicated to World Philosophy Day, held this year under the motto “Unity in Diversity”.

It was an interesting discussion where those who participated came up with many ideas and solutions to the current problem of separatism, the difficulty to create relationships, communicate and coexist with others.

The conclusion was a positive one: it depends on us that through education, self-knowledge, and our own effort to put in the foreground the values ​​that bring people closer together, to build bridges to the hearts of our peers, to respect life and human dignity, to collaborate more instead of competing.

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