Volunteering Programme with the project ‘Yo Amo la Lectura’ (Cajamarca, Peru)

Cultural Volunteering

In May, the second day of the year was held, with the participation of volunteers from the city of Cajamarca, including students from the Instituto Superior Pedagógico Hno. Victorino Elorz Goicochea, who joined in the framework of an educational agreement; managing to directly benefit 153 children from three different educational institutions: I.E. La Florida, I.E. La Inmaculada Concepción and I.E. 82040 Virgen de la Natividad.

This time, the reading was ‘The Little Prince’, to highlight the value of friendship. Various activities were carried out, such as questions, reflections, dynamics to strengthen bonds, oratory practice and drawing important scenes from the book.

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