Philosophy in the street: The Art of Dialogue (Almeria, Spain)
“Philosophy in the street” returns to Almeria in an activity organized by the International Organization New Acropolis. With the title “Philosophy in the street: The Art of Dialogue” it took place at the intersection between the Paseo Marítimo Carmen de Burgos and the Calisthenics Area (Sports Park). It was moderated by Professor Antonio Burgos, with the collaboration of Tamara Berenguel and Alexiane Monreal.
What is dialogue? Can all conversations be considered dialogue? Why does it sometimes cause frustration? Do we know how to dialogue? If not, can we learn the art of dialogue?
From the point of view of philosophy, a dialogue is much more. The word “Logos” is not only word or reason but Law, Truth, Meaning, Intelligence, etc.
With various performances or theatricalizations, situations that cannot be considered dialogue were shown.
You can follow all our activities on the Facebook de Nueva Acrópolis en Almería, en el canal de YouTube del Centro C. Idealia, en Instagram C. C. Idealia.
Or see a summary of past activities, such as the Provincial Series Arriésgate por un mundo mejor, Lavapalabras, o el ciclo sobre el Día Mundial de la Filosofía realizado en toda España.
Philosophy in the street: the art of dialogue, vídeo en Instagram.