Earth Day at the Cour Pétral (Cour Pétral, France)

Mother Earth Day

On Earth Day, the association New Acropolis organised several activities for this event at the Cour Pétral, as it does every year. On this occasion, it invited several local associations to take part in the festival. First of all, Cédric, from the association “Perchés de nature”, organised a birdwatching session on the site. Then there was a session on flora and their unsuspected virtues with Anita, from the Cameroonian association “Au carrefour des Cultures” (“At the crossroads of cultures”), and another on the hemp plant with Thierry, from the association Arter’Hom, who gave a presentation on its uses for textiles, housing and food. He also demonstrated how to make a hemp rope used for boats.

The day ended with a talk by Chloë and Cédric on the theme: “Introduction to biodiversity in the Perche region, unity in diversity”.

The audience thoroughly enjoyed discovering the diversity of views that were expressed during these talks. The speakers had one thing in common, the unity that unites all people of goodwill. The unity that united speakers and participants could be summarised as follows: the protection of Mother Earth, which supports us all and shows us so much generosity, is an important cause for all citizens. And this awareness is not just for one day, but for every day!

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