Author: Taiwan
‘The Stoic vaccine’ 2nd dose: Serenity – Philosophical workshop (Taipei, Taiwan)
In the second workshop learning about Stoic wisdom we encountered the Stoic peaceful state of mind and tried to apply it in a playful exercise. We observed our emotions and […]
‘The Stoic vaccine’ 1st dose: Simplicity – Philosophical workshop (Taipei, Taiwan)
In these uncertain times and rapid changes we turned back to the Stoic wisdom for practical tools that can help us in facing our ever-changing reality. In the first workshop […]
Practical Philosophy seminar (Taiwan)
We spent the weekend together to practice philosophy in our daily life and found tools that can help us face challenges within and without, collaborate and support each other.
World Philosophy day 2022. The language of symbols: Mandala (Taiwan)
This year on the World Philosophy day held in Taipei, we learned and experienced the magical symbolism of “Mandala”. We talked about how can we find the center of “our […]
Can we determine our future? (‘The mystery of time’ series) – Philosophical workshop (Taipei, Taiwan)
The mystery of time… In this 3rd and last activity we discussed the immortal question of “can we effect our future, or is it already predetermined?” We practiced our imagination […]
How can we more present in our life? (‘The mystery of time’ series) – Philosophical workshop (Taipei, Taiwan)
The mystery of time… In this 2nd activity we learned about what it means to be present, why do we sometimes forget ourselves and dwell in the past or effected […]
The power of LOVE – A Philosophical workshop at Beginning Bookshop (Miaoli, Taiwan)
A workshop on the power of LOVE, was held at Beginning bookstore in Miaoli. We discussed the 2 types of love, and searched for practical tools to help nurture the […]
How to find a balance in our life? – A Philosophical workshop at Beginning Bookshop (Miaoli, Taiwan)
A philosophical workshop on how can we find a balance in life, does it exist? And how can we practice it? was held at Beginning bookstore in Miaoli. We learned […]
What can we learn from the past? (‘The mystery of time’ series) – Philosophical workshop (Taipei, Taiwan)
The mystery of time… In this first workshop we discovered what the past can offer us and how to turn our memories into useful experiences.
Mother Earth Day 2022 (Taiwan)
On April 22 we celebrated the International Mother Earth Day with a workshop called “Dancing with Mother Earth”. We collaborated with The ‘Red Soil’ organic farm to share a philosophical […]