Author: Belgium
SpeKultur: Conversation tables (Belgium)
By taking into consideration the cultural richness of our country, quality that is reflected in our schools having people talking naturally several languages. We created an acropolitan project called SpeaKultur. […]
Summer solstice celebration (Belgium)
New Acropolis members gathered around a great bonfire to celebrate this special time of the year. We remembered the meaning of this traditional celebration, and shared artistic moments including dance, […]
Woman, daughter of goddesses (Leuven, Belgium)
Based on the book “Woman, daughter of goddesses” by Laura Winckler, we delved into the four feminine archetypes of Greco-Roman mythology that are still relevant today: Aphrodite (Venus), the lover; […]
Cleaning marathon (Belgium)
We challenged ourselves by organizing and participating in a summer cleaning marathon. During five days we went outside to clean the streets during one hour. We invited our neighbors to join […]
Construction of a slatted floor for the disabled (Belgium)
Work week for News Acropolis Belgium volunteers. Our goal: to be useful where it is needed. Result: we built a mesh floor for the disabled in a Natural Park. […]
Cleaning a natural reserve (Belgium)
In collaboration with local associations, volunteers of New Acropolis Belgium help cleaning a natural reserve. We have also built up a natural barrier to avoid people cross the reserve though […]
Women, daughter of the goddesses (Leuven, Belgium)
Based on the book Femme, fille de déesses by Laura Winckler, we delve into the four female archetypes from Greco-Roman mythology that are still relevant today: Aphrodite (Venus), the amorous, Athena […]
“The Spartan Way”, online talk (Belgium)
This talk shed some light on the fundamental aspects of the Spartans’ existence, culture, organisation. What were the human values that motivated this people and what can we apply today […]
Night of Muses (Belgium)
The members from our different schools organized a night around poetry, dance, astrology and music.
Summer solstice celebration (Belgium)
Members of New Acropolis meet around a nice fire to celebrate this special moment in the year. We recall the meaning of this traditional celebration. We shared artistic moments like […]