Author: Poland
Charity collection (Warsaw, Poland)
Members of New Akropolis organize charity collection of warm clothes. This year were handed over plenty of winter jackets, hoodies, sweaters and other wears for the Clinic for the homeless […]
Summer Activities (Warsaw, Poland)
We enjoy the good summer weather by organizing a series of activities. After a philosophy conference in the park, we organized a barbecue and sports games. The next day, those […]
Buddha, Life and teachings – Lecture (Warsaw, Poland)
New Acropolis organized a public lecture in the beatiful royal park of Warsaw on Buddha – the story of his life and his teachings – and as always we were […]
Face masks sewing (Warsaw, Poland)
During the pandemic time the new ways of helping each other had occured. The obligation to wear masks prompted us to develop our manual skills to help those in need. […]
Philosophical evening tales (Warsaw, Poland)
In these difficult times of self-isolation, the volunteers of New Acropolis with the aim of accompanying or alleviating to some extent, presented online – on the fb platform – a […]
Vistula River Care (Warsaw, Poland)
New Acropolis continues to maintain the local environment by cleaning up the shoreline of the Vistula River. This annual event pays off, as this year the area had much less […]
Giordano Bruno (Warsaw, Poland)
New Arcopolis organized a public conference on the great philosopher Giordano Bruno. Giordano had really advanced ideas in his time, and his point of view on the world was revolutionary […]
Lanterns Workshop (Warsaw, Poland)
New Acropolis organized an artistic workshop as part of our manual activities program. This time he had focused on creating candle lanterns using decoupage techniques.
The Art of War, Sun Tzu (Warsaw, Poland)
Public lecture during which the listeners could got familiar with The Art of War by Sun Tzu. The lecture was revealing more philosophical face of this piece by presenting the […]
Leonardo Da Vinci, Man of Renaissance (Wroclaw, Poland)
New Acropolis organized a public lecture about Leonardo Da Vinci on the occasion of the 500th Anniversary of Leonardo’s death. The public lecture was organized in cooperation with Polish Folklore […]