Author: Russia
Round table «Living with dignity» (Saint-Petersburg, Russia North)
The purpose of the Round Table was to actualize the importance of human dignity as a milestone in professional activity, problem solving and overcoming contradictions between people. We found ourselves […]
New Year ball (Moscow, Russia)
The traditional New Year’s ball united Moscow branches. This year, the participants became time travelers. At each stage of this magical journey, they not only observed, but also became part […]
How to turn from “I” into “We”? (Russia)
Three events, almost 60 participants and many important discoveries — this was a result of our second Philosophy Day. At the lecture “How […]
Socrates knew nothing. And you? (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Philosophy Days in St. Petersburg’s “New Acropolis” began with the search for criteria of a decent life. School of philosophy offers not only lectures, but also many other means that […]
“Through Diversity to Unity” – the Night of Philosophy (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
It all started with living Plato’s myth of the cave. Together we reflected on what “shadows” are, why it is difficult for us to allow a different point of view, […]
Philosophy Day. A conversation about the importance of preserving national traditions (Petrozavodsk, Russia-North)
“Why is it important to preserve and maintain national traditions in the 21st century?” We dedicated the conversation on this topic to the World Philosophy Day, and invited Irina Krutikova, […]
The exhibition “In search of Beauty” (St. Petersburg, Russia-North)
What is Beauty? How to capture and express harmony? Painters – members of New Acropolis, have answered this questions by participating in the art exhibition. It was called “In search […]
International Day of Art. Circle dances (Russia-North, Velikiy Novgorod)
International Day of Art. Circle dances (Russia-North, Velikiy Novgorod) For the first time this year, we conducted the International Day of Art with an evening of «Circle Dances of Nations» […]
Assistance to the «Russian quarantine and rehabilitation center for wildlife animals «Veles» — taking care of our Planet (Russia)
In August, volunteers from the «New Acropolis» of St. Petersburg (Russia-North) visited «Russian quarantine center for wildlife animals «Veles». We chose this center because just right here wild animals, which […]
New Acropolis organized for boys from the Harlem football club an environmental game called “Defenders of the Earth” (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
We are convinced that by being united we can cope with environmental problems and pollution. By cleaning up the litter in our city we help the whole Earth. Besides, we […]