8th March – International Women’s Day (Uruguay)

International Women’s Day was celebrated at the headquarters of New Acropolis (Uruguay) with the support of UNESCO. A lecture entitled “Woman as a Protagonist in History” was held to commemorate […]

Clean-up Day at the Batlle Park (Uruguay)

Volunteers from NA Uruguay spent a day cleaning up the Batlle Park. This activity seeks to promote volunteering in society, based on the idea that if each of us works […]

Blood Donor Day in Montevideo (Uruguay)

Volunteers of New Acropolis Uruguay in collaboration with the National Blood System organised a Blood Donor Day. Apart from the actual blood donation the aim of the day was to […]

RCB Voluntarios de Nueva Acrópolis

BCR course at the Faculty of Dentistry, Uruguay

NA Uruguay volunteers taught on the Faculty of Dentistry course, “Basic Cardiac Resuscitation (BCR) and Defibrillator Use.” This activity is part of the “Emergency Medical Studies” at the Faculty. Both […]