Category: Cultural Activities
Lecture in the National Rehabilitation Center – Aztecs (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)
New Acropolis Banská Bystrica organized a lecture at the National Rehabilitation Center in Kováčová. The lecture gets thrue the history, which is a constant well of knowledge and experience. They […]
Visit to a Mexican Culture Exhibit (Yokohama, Japan)
Students of New Acropolis Yokohama went to an exhibit held at Ueno Museum in Tokyo, Japan. This museum is known for holding different exhibits from around the world and, the […]
Capture the Decisive Moment (Australia)
Thank you to Pierre Poulain for sharing your insights and experience in an eye-opener lecture. “Capture the decisive moment” was a great opportunity to uncover the connection between philosophy and […]
Literature club – Herman Hesse “Steppenwolf” (Sofia, Bulgaria)
New Acropolis hosted a new session of the literature club dedicated to Herman Hesse’s masterpiece – “Steppenwolf”. The evening began with a brief introduction to the life of Herman Hesse […]
Participating in Art Fair within The Community (Chicago, USA)
New Acropolis Chicago participated in an Art Fair in the Uptown neighborhood, where the school is located, on the first weekend of June. Members connected with participants of the fair […]
Talk on Wisdom and Life (San Salvador, El Salvador)
As part of its educational project, the Alberto Masferrer Salvadorean University (USAM) has developed the initiative of promoting a virtue every month. Under the Agreement on Cultural Exchange, New Acropolis […]
The Stoics, a Route Map of Life in Times of Crisis (Belgrano, Argentina)
A public talk was held at the Belgrano branch of NA, as part of a series on universal themes of a philosophical nature. On this occasion, the talk focused […]
Lecture: Dharma and Karma, the Meaning and Purpose of Life (Santa Tecla, El Salvador)
In this lecture entitled Dharma and Karma, the Meaning and Purpose of Life, the whole audience participated through questions and reflections, generating an interesting dialogue for everyone attending. The lecture […]
Jung and the Symbolic Universe of Dreams (Rouen, France)
An attentive audience of around 50 people was drawn into the symbolic dimension of dreams, as they listened to Laura Winckler, with her usual good humour, highlighting the pearls that […]
Philosophical Café: Conversations About… Love (Lisbon, Portugal)
In the month when love is most frequently spoken about, New Acropolis organised a philosophical café on the theme “Conversations about… love”, so that people could meet to exchange their thoughts […]