Philosophical Reflections on Love (Leuven, Belgium)

Chloé Ackaert, the director of Nouvelle Acropole Leuven, hosted a conference titled “Philosophical Reflections on Love.” This conference, based on Laura Winckler’s book “The Alchemy of Couple,” aimed to delve […]

Notre-Dame de París (Cour Petral, France)

The theme of the lecture was “Notre-Dame de Paris, symbolism and companionship”, and brought together Fernand Schwarz, founder in France of the New Acropolis association (in Lyon 50 years ago, […]

Noche larga de las ciencias en Nuremberg

Long Night of Science (Nuremberg, Germany)

Every two years the scientific institutions of the city of Nuremberg open their doors to the public for a “Long Night”. This time the New Acropolis Center presented five lectures […]

Inventury in the library (Bratislava,Slovakia)

Several members took an annual inventory the library of New Acropolis Bratislava. They joined the process and was  searching and checking books and magazines together. They had a great time […]

Reading Clubs (Guatemala)

In most of the country’s Centres, we hold Reading Clubs. The process is similar: we choose a classic literary work, we read it and then on the day of the […]