International Arts Day 2024 (Ladispoli, Italy)

To celebrate International Arts Day, New Acropolis recreated the art of the ancient Etruscan ancestors in an afternoon devoted to two hands-on activities in the Campo Enea. Antonio Amasio, director […]

Day of the Arts (Uruguay)

We commemorated the Day of the Arts at New Acropolis Uruguay. Poetry, dance and music were some of the presentations that accompanied the special talk on the importance of beauty […]

Celebration of Arts Day (Argentina)

New Acropolis celebrated The Day of the Arts at its Belgrano headquarters, bringing together art enthusiasts under the slogan ‘Towards unity from differences’. The event highlighted the power of art […]

Celebrating the Day of Arts (Cordoba, Argentina)

At the Museum of Anthropology of the National University of Cordoba, New Acropolis together with the International Network of SDG promoters held a day dedicated to Art. On this occasion, […]

Day of Arts (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)

As part of the celebration of the Day of the Arts that New Acropolis held around the world, to celebrate and highlight the importance of Art for the union of […]

Celebration of Arts Day (Dominican Republic)

To commemorate the Day of the Arts established by the International Organisation New Acropolis on June 22 each year, the Dominican Republic developed throughout the month of June, a series […]