The power of music (Prague, Czech Republic)

To commemorate World Art Day and Year of Czech Music New Acropolis organized a lecture called “Music and its power” – a power visitors could hear for themselves in the […]

Therapeutic Keys to the Hero’s Journey

U Universitas General Studies offers a new online course: Therapeutic Keys to the Hero’s Journey. This course offers you a wonderful tool for therapies and growth of consciousness. You will […]

Jaquetón Sunday! (Lima-Headquarters, Peru)

The Chess Club organised the activity ‘Jaquetón’, where volunteers, family and friends of New Acropolis Peru were able to participate in simultaneous chess games and share the excitement for this […]

Urban garden workshop (Madrid, Spain)

Thanks to this workshop, we learnt how to make the most of the small outdoor or luminous spaces we have at home to grow our small vegetable garden, as well […]

H.P. Blavatsky: The Mysteries of Man (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Open lecture with a debate dedicated to the topic: Helena Blavatsky and The Mysteries of Man. In the first, Blavatsky’s unusual personality was presented, combining aristocratic and rebellious traits, some […]