Giordano Bruno or the Renaissance of Eros (Belgium)

February was marked by an exceptional conference entitled “Giordano Bruno or the Renaissance of Eros.” Hosted by Fernand Figares, director of Nouvelle Acropole in Belgium, this event sparked keen interest […]

Taking Philosophy to the Streets (Mumbai, India)

In a city that never sleeps, volunteers from New Acropolis in Mumbai organized a thought-provoking initiative at the Maha Mumbai Expo event. Teaming up with the Mumbai Festival, New Acropolis […]

Happening “Know thyself” (Pucallpa, Peru)

 The New Acropolis centre in Pucallpa organized this activity to make philosophy more accessible to the public with a series of playful and reflective activities. The games were designed to […]

Book Club: The Symposium (Bolivia)

In the latest edition of the Book Club, we had an exciting and enriching exploration of Plato’s “The Symposium”. During three meetings, participants plunged into the depths of this famous […]