Philosophy winter bootcamp (Belgium)

In January, New Acropolis Belgium organised the philosophy winter bootcamp. The aim of this event was to put ourselves in the shoes of the ancient philosophers who used observation and […]

Annual Food Drive (Boston, USA)

Each year during the holiday season members of New Acropolis Boston go door to door to collect nonperishable food and toiletries. What we collected was donated to the Somerville food […]

Philosophy Day (Slovenia)

Every year we remember the philosophical heritage on Unesco’s World Philosophy Day. To honor it, New Acropolis in Slovenia organized two events, that happened on November 21st.  In Ljubljana, a […]

Olive Picking (Cyprus, Nicosia)

Olive picking in the past was another opportunity for people to develop teamwork skills, to share moments of solidarity with family, friends and neighbours. May things have changed with the […]